Charity NewstrAid needed a video detailing the fairly complicated process of applying for financial assistance. Aside from a script I didn’t really have any designed content or visuals to work with. So being proactive, I dug through their previous Annual Report and saw some character illustrations that I thought would work well in a nice new style for them. Unfortunetly none of them had been drawn in a way that I could use as is, so each character had to be redrawn in sections that I could then rig up and animate and give life too. I actually quite enjoy this process, it’s a lot of setup, but once fully rigged, arms and general body movement can be manipulated relatively easily, and it looks really good.
Once my storyboard was finished and approved, I stuck in animating the whole thing in After Effects, and then layering in some subtle sound design to help lift the animation up a level. The end result was so well recieved by the client they commissioned a series of shorter edits for social media afterwards.
Client:NewstrAidCreative:Creative Direction • Motion graphics • Video editing & Post production • Sound DesignLinkwww.newstraid.org.uk